Monday, April 26, 2010

Paranormal story: A possible UFO encounter.

Author's note: I am neither a believer nor a skeptic. I am only repeating what I have heard.

This took place with my uncle (who is mentioned in my previous post) while he was a young boy and my their close friends (friends of my uncles and father) were playing in a back alley. This was in Karachi in the 1950s. Back then the city was safe, sparsely populated so they as children were free to play in the open.

As they were playing, they were encountered by a giant spherical shaped light about fifty feet in the sky. The close position of the sphere terrified them that they stood still.
The sphere them beamed a light on them for a period of five minutes, with them still terrified and paralyzed.

Why this light was beamed, no one knows. Possibly for observation. But after about this period of five minutes, the sphere's light switched off and it sped skywards at an incredible speed.

The boys were so terrified that they did not speak of their encounter. Only some years later, when the subject of UFOs was being discussed, my uncle spoke of his experience.
That's all I know of that incident.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Paranormal story: A possible ghost encounter

About a year after Mariam's death, a friend of me and my cousin's, Faraz in Karachi was spending the night at his home.
I mentioned Marian in another blog of mine who was assassinated by her husband.

According to my cousin, Faraz came to him at night and woke him up. He claimed he was going to the washroom where he saw Mariam's image in the hallway.

My cousin didn't believe him. But the same summer after the killing, I recall coming back to North America and having a dream. I saw Mariam on the same signal way on the way to my cousin's house.

This was a strange dream, since Mariam and I had no close acquaintanceship or anything of that sort; though we did spend enjoyable times during my youth entertaining ourselves and my cousin when he was a toddler.

But I saw her in the dream. On the intersecting roads on the same route to my cousins house. The signal turned red, all the vehicles stopped, Mariam crossed the road waving at me and calling out in Urdu "How are you X" (X is a substitute for my real name, which I avoid giving out on the Internet).

All of a sudden I was at my cousins bedroom on the top floor, with Mariam organizing my cousin's clothes.
But Mariam was dead I told myself. How can this be? This had to be a spirit. I darted to my cousin's father downstairs at their house and my uncle (cousin's father) said that her spirit will stay there, refusal to leave.

I woke up from the dream after that. Weather this dream of Mariam's position in Faraz's experience is connected or coincidental; I do not know. I am just sharing experienced which I have no way of knowing are real or not.